Cloud Simulations
Risk and Resilience Assessments of Buildings and Infrastructure Systems
Learn MoreAbout cloud simulations
Our Vision
Cloud simulations envision a collaborative environment which grants access to state-of-the-art software and computing technologies to assess the risk and resilience of our buildings and infrastructure systems.
Our Technology
Cloud simulations is centred on the integration of the spatial and temporal attributes of the events that need to be modelled estimate the risk and resilience of our buildings and infrastructure systems.
Our Story
Facing the challenges of rapid urbanization, climate change and resource limitations, we as a society have to work together. Cloud simulations offers a novel platform and tools to address these challenges.

Discover cloud simulations
Cloud Simulations is an online platform that supports the computational modelling of risk and resilience associated with buildings and infrastructure systems. Through a visual interface, users can construct logical routines to smooth and automate workflows to assess risk and find optimum solutions to mitigate natural hazard risks.
Comptational Power
Cloud simulatinos provides nearly unlimited storage and computational resources and enables HPC for everyone.
Manage Data and Connect Tools
Cloud Simulations can be used to translate data to be used in other software tools, including those used in asset management.
Easily Extensible
Cloud Simulations can be extended easily through a large library of user-created packages and Python scripting.
Lightweight Visualizations
Cloud Simulation has built-in visualization capabilities to see results quickly, accurately, and colorfully.
Project Goals
Real-Time Collaboration
Various Models
Risk Assessments
Visual Programing
Cloud Simulations: The Future of Risk and Resilience Assessments
Collaborative technologies like data sharing, real-time collaboration, a continual process of creating, editing, and commenting, as well as an affordable and easy way of creating visuals and reports -- at the click of a button, strengthen communication, expedite actions, and improve the decision-making process.
Get in touch with usPlanned Features
IDE with Visual Programming
Develop in your browser. No need to install anything. Our visual programming language supports the description of your complex processes in terms that are easily to understand. Cloud Simulations then turns that code into routines for your risk and resilience assessments.

Results Visualization
Visualize your results directly in the browser and share them with your colleagues and collaborators. An interactive map can be very helpful, especially for spatial temporal data.

Project History
Every project is a Git repository. Cloud Simulations is designed to coordinate work among collaborators, and can be used to track changes in any set of files.

Team Members
Project Partners
Computational Models
Lines of Code

Latest Posts

Estimating network related risks
Networks such as transportation, water, and power are critical lifelines for society.
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Contact Details
Get in touch with us to learn more about Cloud Simulations, and arrange a demonstration of what Cloud Simulations can do.